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Find the Hottest Drones, Internet of Things, Pharmaceuticals and Health IT Companies

Today we are happy to announce four new industry tags you can use to filter our database of private companies: Drones, Internet of Things, Pharmaceuticals and Health IT. 

Mattermark’s vertical tags are one of the best ways to filter through our database of private companies to identify the ones most relevant to you as an investor. The technology industry moves quickly and we’re committed to helping you keep up with an ever-evolving landscape of currently and potential opportunities, competitors, customers and partners.

Our tagging taxonomy is one of the many ways we use machine learning and data science to go beyond publicly available data, cleaning up and mediating meta-data and content from multiple sources so that you’re left with the cleanest and most targeted descriptions of industries and trends available.

To use the new tags to filter, simply navigate to the All Companies view, select the “Vertical” filter and select the desired industry.

With the new classifications created, new companies will also be automatically tagged as they are added to the database, so be sure to use your Saved Searches and Alerts to keep track of new developments in the industry.

Log in today to try keyword search out for yourself, or sign up for a free 30 day trial now.

Are there other categories you’d like to see included in Mattermark? Let us know.

Keeping Tabs on Mattermark Product Improvements

As you may have noticed, we’ve decided to start blogging more regularly as we roll out improvements to Mattermark. Thanks to continuous integration we are shipping UX improvements, features, data integrations, bug fixes and other code multiple times each day to make your experience with Mattermark the best it can be. In the past month we’ve also rolled out:

We’ll also continue on our mission to bring more transparency to the startup experience by sharing stories of building the company:

Also published on Medium.

© Mattermark 2025. Sources: Mattermark Research, Crunchbase, AngelList.