Why SDRs Need to Care About Sand Hill Road
When someone wins the lottery, they go shopping.
If your SDRs aren’t following the news on who’s next in the funding queue or who just got a series A, then they are seriously dropping the ball.
Here’s why the news from Sand Hill Road should be at the forefront of your sales team’s mind, and how you can make sure it is.
Always Be Closing Sales
Dave Gerhardt of Drift reports on the results of filling out lead forms, demo requests, and sales inquiry forms for 433 B2B SaaS companies to see just how fast they are responding to their sales leads today in “We Tested The Response Times Of 433 Sales Teams. Here Are The Results.”
Saqib E. Awan of Lightspeed Venture Partners details insights from AppDynamics sales leaders to understand the critical role the sales team played in taking the company through hockey-stick growth in “Building a $3.7B startup: View from AppDynamics’ Sales Leaders”
Expand Your Marketing Funnel
Sophia Bernazzani of HubSpot analyzes the marketing strategy behind the $5 million dollar film that’s already generated $20 million in revenue in “What Marketers Can Learn from the Success of Moonlight”
Alyssa Meritt of Urban Airship recognizes that not all businesses need a mobile app, but they all need a mobile marketing strategy, and lays out her way to create one in “Building Your First Mobile Marketing Strategy”
Grow Up and To The Right
Alec Jones of Christopher Bot tells you everything I learned while coding a popular Facebook Messenger bot, and my crazy first week of marketing it, and how he gave it an inherent growth engine in “What It’s Like to Build and Market a Chatbot When You’re Only 14 Years Old”
Michael Taylor of Ladder walks you through how to replicate everything he’s done to grow his business with free / cheap tools in “Open-Source Marketing Plan”
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