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Mattermark Daily – Tuesday, September 20th, 2016

From the Investors

Stuart Larkins and Ezra Galston of Chicago Ventures join Nick Moran of New Stack Ventures to uncover the key elements to a successful ecosystem and how to think about investing in underserved markets in “Underserved Startup Ecosystems, Part 1

Josh Elman of Greylock Partners looks to help entrepreneurs understand how to choose the ‘viral strategy’ that will enable their product to grow in “The Five Types of Virality


Ken Norton of GV talks with Christine Deakers of Mixpanel about his rubric for effective communication in “Ken Norton’s Discipline of No

Ty Danco of Techstars feels like we have reached Peak Demo Day and presents a virtual, web-based alternative in “Why Demo Days Have to Change

Peter Brack of Mucker Capital identifies insights he thinks ‘millennial managers’ need to know, or should be thinking about on a regular basis in “Managing for Millennials

Pedro Almeida of APBA outlines churn root causes and common tactics to improve client retention in “Addressing Churn in SaaS/ Subscription Startups


From the Operators

Myk Pono of MYXYS provides an epic guide for marketers and founders to learn core principles on the topics of lead nurturing, and lead scoring in “How To Design Lead Nurturing, Lead Scoring, and Drip Email Campaigns


David Haber of Bond Street chats with Daehee Park and John-Thomas Marino of Tuft & Needle about having passion for problems, childhood entrepreneurship, and their business in “Turning Down Top VCs and Bootstrapping to $100M+ in Revenue

Ash Rust of SendHub describes how founders can make their fundraising process easier in “How to Get Momentum When Fundraising

Ginny Mineo of HubSpot lists 100 insights gathered from 100 episodes of The Growth Show from founders of companies like Warby Parker, Blue Bottle Coffee, Slack, and more in “Failure is good,” and 99 Other Lessons

Nir Eyal, author of Hooked, explains how Y Combinator and Hallmark have built habits around their services and products through content and community “How Two Companies Hooked Customers On Products They Rarely Use

Matt Bellows of Yesware reveals how he and his team tackled the challenge of turning around stagnant sales in “Techniques for Improving Sales in SaaS

Sarah Quirk of Managed by Q discusses how brands can send better emails by relying on basic etiquette in “Email Others as You Would Like to be Emailed


Trend-Following Investors and Investor-Following Trends

Trends are born when a significant and visible group of people converge on a particular idea or action. There are trends in every industry, something that the media never fails to remind us. We are susceptible to fads, and teenagers and fashion aren’t the only trend-prone domains — venture capitalists are just as susceptible.


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