The Startup Tapes: Why Objective Signals for Company Growth Matter
Danielle Morrill of Mattermark and Tim Anglade of Scale Venture Partners explore how growth became the go-to startup benchmark, and what alternatives may lie ahead in the interview below.
Always Be Closing
Peter Kazanjy of Founding Sales reflects on the holidays to add some clarity on the true nature of end of year sales behavior in “Is End of Quarter the Grinch that Stole Christmas?”
Ray Carroll of Engagio describes seven things that he learned building sales at an early-stage startup in “From Marketo to Engagio”
Steli Efti of Close outlines thirty-one things he thinks you need to know about selling SaaS in “The Ultimate SaaS Sales Guide”
Expand Your Marketing
Nis Frome of Alpha expands on why a product enables the best practice or value proposition to be realized, but only after content communicates the practice worth realizing in the first place in “Product and Content Are Two Sides of the Same Value Proposition”
Andy Crestodina of Orbit Media reveals their survey results covering trends in time and effort that goes into blogging, length and format, publishing frequency, content promotion, and measurement in “New Research: 3rd Annual Survey of 1000+ Bloggers”
Rob Goehring of RewardStream declares that email has evolved and highlights email examples with why they are important, what they are, and how to craft them in “30 E-commerce Email Marketing Messages That Boost Sales”
Grow Up and To The Right
Hila Qu of Acorns shares how to establish a growth experimentation process, promote a growth culture, and demonstrate enough results to get buy-in from the organization in “A Growth Practitioner’s First 90-day Plan (Part 1)”
Kyle Lacy of OpenView Venture Partners presents lessons he learned watching his partners, colleagues, portfolio CEOs, countless pitch meetings and hundreds of conversations between leadership teams in “What I Learned About Software Marketing and Growth After 2 Years in Venture Capital” (86 slide deck)
Sarah Peterson of SumoMe lays out 35 answers and 78 strategies from marketers that have had success growing web traffic in a short amount of time in “How 35 Top Influencers Grew Traffic from 0-10K Visitors (in 30 Days or Less)”