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Raise the Bar – Customer Success-driven Growth is Growth, Sales Defensibility, and more

The Top Startups Going To SXSW 2017

South by Southwest (SXSW) is right around the corner, so we created a Public List in Mattermark to help you prepare who to talk to while you’re there. We found 247 companies that will be represented at SXSW this year, ranked the list, and highlighted the 13 fastest growing ones that are not public or acquired and have raised less than $100 million in funding. Maybe they’ll buy your tools?


Always Be Closing Sales

Marc Eglon of Hackerpreneur writes an in-depth article on why pricing is one of the most influential levers you have in your sales process so it’s worth spending the time to build a robust pricing strategy into your pipeline in “The Ultimate Sales Guide to Setting and Discussing Pricing

Harry Alford of Humble Ventures believes startups should be constantly challenging and reinforcing how they’re doing things and lists questions you can use to keep things in check in “Channels and Sales Defensibility Questions All Startups Should Ask Themselves


Expand Your Marketing Funnel

Natasha Wahid of WiderFunnel rebuts four A/B testing myths that have become more and more common that too many marketers still buy into in ““The more tests, the better!”

Russell Dornan of Wellcome Collection reflects on what it’s like to run social media for a museum, why being genuine is important for the audience and giving your own personality space to breathe makes it so much easier to be real in “Should Museums Have a Personality?


Grow Up and To The Right

Lincoln Murphy of Sixteen Ventures publishes a 57-slide deck that dives into why Customer Success-driven growth is still growth in “Revenue Summit 2017 – Put Your Customers In the Driver’s Seat and Go Full Throttle on Growing Revenue

Michaela Lehr of Movable Ink uses her own ‘eye-gouging’ experiences as reasons why your metrics should always be current and reflect what you know to be operationally true in “Depicting Churn (Accurately): The Real Deal from a Metrics Nerd

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© Mattermark 2024. Sources: Mattermark Research, Crunchbase, AngelList.