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Mattermark for iOS Update: Improve Your Company Data and Submit New Companies

We’re excited to introduce the ability for you to submit new or missing company data right from the Mattermark iOS app.

Deal makers around the world use Mattermark everyday to inform both investment and other business decisions. As a result, we understand how important it is for you as startup founders, employees, and investors that the information displayed accurately reflects the status of their business (whether it’s employee growth, total funding raised, or key people).

Submitting new or missing information is really easy:

  1. Visit a company page on Mattermark for iOS
  2. Tap ‘Submit Correction’ at the bottom of the page
  3. Tell us how you are affiliated with the company, and what is missing or incorrect. Thats it!


Corrections will be submitted to our data team, who will review submissions to ensure that they meet Mattermark’s data quality standard, and update company data to ensure that founders can put their best foot forward and investors can get the most accurate data on potential investment opportunities.

Add your favorite startups!

With the update, users can also submit startups they’d like Mattermark to track. That way, new founders can get the attention they deserve and VCs have the widest funnel of investment opportunities possible.

Download the update today to take control of your company’s data and see the most startups!

© Mattermark 2025. Sources: Mattermark Research, Crunchbase, AngelList.