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Mattermark Daily – Wednesday, November 4th, 2015

From the Investors

Mark Suster of Upfront Ventures and Harry Stebbings of Twenty Minute VC discuss how Mark became an entrepreneur then a VC, his investment style, how founders determine the right amount to raise, and much more in “20 VC Episode 085” (audio)

Chris McCann of Greylock Partners publishes his notes from class 13 of Stanford’s CS183C where Shishir Mehrotra shares hiring and culture lessons from YouTube in “Scaling YouTube with Shishir Mehrotra

Michael Seibel of Y Combinator advises founders to ‘think about what you want and ask for it’ in “How To Ask for Advice

Joe Floyd of Emergence Capital identifies five characteristics of successful entrepreneurs as ‘superpowers’ and announces his graphic novel, Silicon Heroes in “5 Superpowers of the Most Successful Entrepreneurs

Joe Beda of Accel announces that he is joining Accel as an Entrepreneur in Residence to explore ideas with the goal of founding a new company in “Taking a Leap: Entrepreneur in Residence at Accel

From the Operators

Leo Widrich of Buffer offers an – in depth – inside look at how they explain equity to their team, common questions, potential exit outcome estimates, and resources to understand equity concepts in “How We Explain Stock Options to Team Members & How Much Money They Would Make


Julie Ann Horvath of Clef sheds light on the discrimination and harassment that Women In Tech experience in the workplace in “The Stories of ‘Women In Tech’ That We May Never Hear

David Heinemeier Hansson of Basecamp expands on the ridiculousness he sees in today’s startup culture where the ‘set of fairytale ideas are reinforced at every turn’ in “RECONSIDER

Fletcher Richman of Galvanize walks founders through his process to remove repetitive tasks when fundraising to get more meetings with investors in “The Hacker’s Guide to Startup Fundraising

Alan Chan formerly of Bread (acquired by Yahoo) shares his state of mind as he leaves Yahoo to pursue a new venture in “Current Mood: Sad, Scared and Happy

USA TODAY 2015 Small Business Innovator of the Year

Mattermark is one of 10 finalists for USA TODAY’s Small Business Innovator of the Year award. Danielle Morrill, CEO & Co-Founder, shares Mattermark’s founding story, how we help deal-makers today, and her vision for Mattermark’s future.

Watch Danielle Morrill’s USA TODAY interview

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© Mattermark 2025. Sources: Mattermark Research, Crunchbase, AngelList.