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Mattermark Daily – Wednesday, November 25th, 2015

From the Investors

Edith Yeung of 500 Startups defines the ‘MOAARRR’ metrics and presents guidelines for developing a mobile growth strategy in “Startup Metrics for Mobile Pirates #MOAARRR” (slides)


Erin Platts of Silicon Valley Bank provides a deep dive on venture debt and tips for closing a venture debt round in “How Venture Debt Can Help Minimize Dilution and Enable You to Scale

Keith Wallington of Seedcamp explores his key lessons in helping businesses scale in “Seedcamp Podcast, Ep. 68” (audio)

Aaron Harris and Jessica Livingston of Y Combinator discuss how both Y Combinator and Founders at Work began as experiments and grew from there in “Jessica Livingston on the Accidental Origin of Y Combinator” (audio & text)

Chris Brody of Vantage and Ali Rahimtula of Cue Ball enumerate the characteristics successful Internet and Internet enabled companies have in common in “Characteristics of Internet and Internet Enabled Companies

Arteen Arabshahi of Karlin Ventures believes the LA startup scene is missing the ‘flywheel effect’, but thinks there is potential for it to be massive in 5 years in “Angel Q&A: Arteen Arabshahi

From the Operators

Rick Desai of Dashfire highlights Fidelity’s markdown of its Snapchat investment by 25% as an example of a shift in investment strategies for large funds in “Fidelity Did Not Make a Snap Judgement

Joel Gascoigne and Leo Widrich of Buffer shares a new version of their salary formula and a web-app for anyone to calculate their own potential salary in “Introducing the New Buffer Salary Formula

Brennen Byrne of Clef explains how Clef thinks about employee handbooks and company policies in “Continuous Integration for Company Culture

Sonya Green of Carbon Five explores the ways we confuse team culture with culture’s byproducts in “Paying Down Cultural Debt” (video & deck)

Bob March of LevelEleven summarizes the changing world of sales in three parts in “How to Build a Modern Sales Organization

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© Mattermark 2025. Sources: Mattermark Research, Crunchbase, AngelList.