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Mattermark Daily – Wednesday, March 16th, 2016

From the Investors

Andrew Schoen and Harry Weller of New Enterprise Associates write about the impending advent of quantum computers and its potential for VC investment in “Quantum Computing: Time for Venture Capitalists to Put Chips on the Table?Slide3

Soma Somasegar of Madrona Venture Group shares some key takeaways that are specifically important for entrepreneurs as they think about growing their company and possibly seeking funding to accelerate their growth in “The 5 Things I Learned From My First 100 Days as a Venture Capitalist

Aaron Harris of Y Combinator warns founders about situations that arise in which investors take advantage of inexperienced founders and get them to sign terms that are potentially harmful to the company in “Bad Terms

Ross Baird of Village Capital discusses how today’s entrepreneurs should also focus on helping other people build wealth for themselves in “Silicon Valley’s Unchecked Arrogance

Paulina Szyrmer of 500 Startups outlines the insights provided and the lessons learned from their investor training program in “Venture Capital is More Art than Science: 5 Secrets of VC Revealed

Laurel Woerner of Work-Bench highlights how to scale your event engine in “Building a Killer Event Machine: 5 Lessons Learned From Hosting 500+ Events

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From the Operators

Bryan Beard of DocSend offers some tough and uncomfortable lessons learned from letting go of SDRs early in his career in “3 Management Mistakes I Made Firing Underperforming Sales Reps

Christian Thurston of Gigster explains the hiring bias in tech and explores ways to solve it in “Why Smart People Screw Up Diversity In Tech (And How To Fix It)

Jon Westenberg of Hubspot talks about pointless NDA’s and the value of unexecuted ideas in “Give Your Ideas Away

Justin Megahan of Mixpanel chats with Andrew Chen of Uber about “growth hacking,” where it came from, and why it is important to focus on the product first in “On the State of Growth Hacking

Dave Gerhardt of Drift suggests focusing more on the customers and less on the data during the early days of a startup in “On The Path To Product Market Fit, Don’t Wait For Statistical Significance

It Starts With Yes

The Wall Street Journal recently reported that “Product Manager” is one of the most coveted job titles for MBAs. After all, it’s one of the tech market’s best paid and most in-demand positions. But is having an MBA necessary to be a successful PM? This issue, General Assembly is exploring product management as a career: what it takes to be a great Product Manager and how they rise to become the team’s Most Valuable Player.

Explore the “Product” issue and read the full series.

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