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Mattermark Daily – Wednesday, June 10th, 2015

From the Investors

Brett Berson of First Round Capital announces First Round Capital’s experiment to fix traditional startup advising with the STAR or ‘Short-Term Advisory Relationships’ contract in “Startup Advising is Broken – Here’s What We’re Doing to Fix It

Rob Go of NextView Ventures believes ‘the best investors push harder for deeper truths’ about investment opportunities and decides to take this approach in “Getting Beneath the Surface

Charlie O’Donnell of Brooklyn Bridge Ventures outlines the reasons he told another VC to not invest in his second fund, which depicts some of the difficulties of VC in “Six Reasons not to Invest in a Venture Capital Fund

Nicolas Wittenborn of Point Nine Capital explains why he thinks ‘timing is probably one of the most undervalued factors for success in tech ventures’ in “This is Why (Now)

Jason Lemkin of Storm Ventures provides metrics to make the point that only ‘6-12% of VCs are actually successful’ and declares, ‘the rest are failing’ in “Why Only 12% of VCs Can Be Considered Successful. Max.

Angel Investor Joanne Wilson describes the relationship between multiple online marketplaces and singular brands in “Marketplaces

Patrick McAnaney of 1776 uses Mattermark data and address data to create simple heat maps of startup density in Austin and New York City in “Mapping the Network: Finding Your Local Startups

Gregory Silva and Andy Vitus of Scale Venture Partners offer their thoughts on the infrastructure stack of the Internet of Things use cases: ‘control and analysis’ in “Breaking Down the IOT Stack

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From the Operators

Sacha Greif of Telescope reveals his product strategy that encompasses ‘a core money-making product, sitting at the center of a web of secondary side-projects’ in “The Spiderweb Strategy

Leif Abraham of Prehype thinks ‘an indirect business model will always create a tension between the purpose of your product and the goals of your business model’ in “Undesired Sacrifices

Niko Canner of Incandescent recounts stories of Napoleon’s career to help people realize they can learn more, even if they believe they’re experts in “Admit Ignorance! Ask Dumb Questions!

Author and Editor, Nicole Fenton shares a metaphor about paper, how that metaphor relates to design, and what communication looks like in the design process in “Words as Material

Chris McDemus of Baer Crossey McDemus LLC expands on his strategy for organizing and storing legal documents – a problem he sees with many companies in “The One Piece of Advice I Give All Startups

From Mattermark

Max Altschuler of Sales Hacker and Daniel Barber of ToutApp share actionable tips on building a well-oiled sales qualified lead machine in “ICP + TAM = A Sales Qualified Lead Machine

Mattermark Webinar: Join our webinar on Tue, Jun 16, 2015 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM PDT. Kyle Porter, CEO of Salesloft, will be sharing his thoughts on why sales teams have adopted a more data driven approach to prospecting in recent years.

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