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Mattermark Daily – Wednesday, April 29th, 2015

From the Investors

Jessica Livingston of Y Combinator guides founders around the traps she has observed they fall into ‘soon after fundraising’ in “Subtle Mid-Stage Startup Pitfalls

Kevin Colleran and Dave Morin of Slow Ventures recap the story of Slow Ventures’ past three investment funds and reveal their new $65 million fund in “Announcing Slow 4

Brad Feld of Foundry Group says, ‘we are in a cycle again where how much you raise is the story’ and highlights some examples of founders writing their own fundraising stories in “Transparent Funding Announcements

Rob Go of NextView Ventures offers fundraising founders the inside-scoop of what VCs are really asking when they quiz founders in “Sneaky Questions Early-Stage VCs Ask Founders

Piotr Wilam of Innovation Nest expands on three points about fundraising that, in his opinion, ‘speed up the process and increase the chances of success’ in “Venture Capital Primer: How to Raise Money from VCs

Lisa Suennen of Venture Valkyrie provides a crash course in understanding how fundraising due diligence works in “Due Diligence: A 12 Step Program

Guy Turner of Hyde Park Venture Partners dissects the current financing environment in the context of the venture and private equity cycles of the last 30 years in “Tech boom through the lens of technology and financial innovation cycles

From the Operators

Design Freelancer Ash Huang tells her personal story about ‘how burnout affects the body’ to shed light on the ‘mental toll of Silicon Valley’s quest for glory’ in “Crazies.io

David Byttow of Secret makes ‘the hardest decision of [his] life’ and announces that he is in the process of shutting down Secret in “Sunset

April Dunford of Rocket Launch Marketing compares the tactics startups use when building a brand and customer presence in new and existing markets in “Startup Marketing in New vs. Established Markets

Niko Canner of Incandescent explains his concept of ‘Integrated Return on Investment’ vs. traditional financial Return on Investment and why the world be better with more IROI in “Economics in a World Where Everyone Matters Equally

Tracy Lloyd of Emotive Brand outlines three ideas that she hopes will help founders inspire their employees in “How to Help Your Startup Matter More to Your Team

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