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Mattermark Daily – Tuesday, June 21st, 2015

From the Investors

Nic Poulos of Bowery Capital updates and expands his 115 slide presentation that evaluates the vast ecosystem of sales solutions in “The 2015 Ultimate Guide to Startup Sales Tools

Greg Beaufait of Dundee Venture Capital believes the ‘lines continue to blur between funding rounds and venture funds’ and expands on three trends he sees in VC in “Will the Real Seed Funds Please Stand Up?

Dawn Umlah of Innovacorp helps founders shed the idea of being a startup and to start laying the groundwork for being a company in “How to Avoid Post-Seed Operational Debt

Winter Mead of Sapphire Ventures discusses various inputs that go into building a portfolio and how those inputs affect the math of portfolio returns in “In Support of a Better Calculator: Various Factors that Affect Portfolio Returns in a Bull Market

Brad Feld of Foundry Group encourages founders to not worry about cliches or trendy words and to ‘focus on telling the story of your business’ in “Don’t Try to Fake the Language

Skip Fleshman of Asset Management Ventures guides engineers and product managers around ‘the most common pitfalls’ of building a healthcare startup in “6 Tips for Hackers in Healthcare

From the Operators

Ben Thompson of Stratechery summarizes the ‘value chain’ (suppliers, distributors, and consumers/users) strategies of large tech companies in “Aggregation Theory

Dave Girouard of Upstart shares how to develop the institutional and employee muscle necessary to make speed a competitive advantage in “Speed as a Habit

Ryan Holmes of Hootsuite advises early stage founders that ‘increasing salary in step with company growth is often sound business practice’ in “As CEO, When to Ditch the Ramen and Give Yourself a Raise

Alex Turnbull of Groove outlines ten of ‘the many hats’ startup founders wear and why they are necessary in “The 10 Essential Roles of a Startup CEO

Alex Danco of Sharethebus uses a circular framework to compare the characteristics and perspectives of the core ‘agenda setters’ in tech in “The Colour Wheel of Tech: Why Apple Hates Google, Facebook is the New Microsoft, and More

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© Mattermark 2025. Sources: Mattermark Research, Crunchbase, AngelList.