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Mattermark Daily – Tuesday, February 3rd, 2015

From the Investors

Brad Feld of Foundry Group explains the multiple ways to calculate if a startup’s growth and profit ‘add up to 40%’ in “The Rule of 40% for a Healthy SaaS Company

Steven Sinofsky of Andreessen Horowitz says, ‘the big winners of IoT will be thinking about an entirely different future, not just connecting things we already use today’ in “Patience, IoT is the New ‘Electronic’

Alex Iskold of TechStars explains how ‘preparation and traction’ can help founders avoid his nine problems founders face when ‘raising too early’ in “9 Seed Funding Gotchas

Guy Turner of Hyde Park Angels augments the ‘murky metrics’ of LTV, CAC and churn to measure (SaaS) startup performance by net new MRR added per monthly net burn in “Is Your Startup Cash Efficient?

Jon Callaghan of True Ventures believes new customer internet brands are at ‘the dawn of a renaissance moment in consumer brand innovation’ in “The Brands They Are A-Changin’

Zach Shulman of Cayuga Venture Fund advises entrepreneurs to remove obstacles from their revenue mode by sharing GiveCab’s new strategy in “Revenue Model: The Path of Least Resistance

CJ Reim of Highland Capital looks to accelerate student-founded startups with ‘unique problems’ with $20K in their Palo Alto office in “Applications Now Open for Summer@Highland 2015

From the Operators

Ben Thompson of Stratechery refuses Ben Smith of Buzzfeed’s charge that ‘blogging is dead’ in “Blogging’s Bright Future

Leo Widrich of Buffer reveals the ‘self-managing’ goals at Buffer and shares how he sees the concept of no manager can work in “No Waste

Ryan Hoover of Product Hunt recognizes the Product Hunt team and announces the addition of ‘adding teammates’ to Product Hunt in “Giving Credit is the Ceo’s Job

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