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Mattermark Daily – Tuesday, December 15th, 2015

From the Investors

Halle Tecco, Mara Perman, Teresa Wang, and Emily King of RockHealth surfaces funding and exit data for startups in the digital health industry in 2015 in “Digital Health Funding: 2015 Year in Review

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Mahesh Vellanki of Redpoint Ventures takes a closer look at Yahoo’s current situation in “This is What’s Going on with Yahoo’s Spin-Off (and Why It’s Important)

Avram Miller formerly of Intel Capital unveils his journey in the 1990s of helping invest in and create the residential broadband industry in “The Development of Consumer Broadband with Intel’s Avram Miller” (podcast)

Steven Sinofsky of Andreessen Horowitz details the topics he believes product managers will focus on next year in “‘Hallway Debates’: A 2016 Product Manager Discussion Guide

Fred Wilson of Union Square Ventures recognizes that a theme-based investment firm needs to evolve over time and launches a new site that features themes they’re interested in in “The Evolution of the USV Thesis (and usv.com)

From the Operators

Archana Madhavan of Amplitude provides an in-depth look at what customer retention means, how to calculate it, and work towards growing it in “How to Increase Growth Through Retention Analysis

Michelle Wetzler of Keen IO publishes a revealing letter she sent to her team about some recent challenges they’ve had to overcome in “Permission to Fail

Lloyd Tabb of Looker describes the profile of an engineering leader and sheds light on the dynamics of development teams in “How to Spot and Magnify the Powers of Your Engineering Superheroes

Serial Entrepreneur Steve Blank believes ‘you’ll never get over the moon’ if ‘crazy’ entrepreneurs are not heard in “Blank’s Rule – To Predict the Future ⅓ of You Need to be Crazy

Sramana Mitra of 1M/1M tells the story of LivingSocial’s founders willingness to raise funding without paying attention to their business model and profitability concerns in “From Unicorn to Unicorpse: How LivingSocial Imploded

Aline Lerner of Interviewing.io tackles people’s inability to gauge their own interview performance and the implications this finding has for hiring in “Engineers Can’t Gauge Their Own Interview Performance. And That Makes Them Harder to Hire.


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Where Consumers Spend Is Where You’ll Find Consumer Startup Unicorns

This is a guest post by David Beisel of NextView Ventures.

It should be no surprise that two of the most valuable startups on the planet, Uber and Airbnb, can be categorized in the two largest consumer spending categories, transportation and housing. And these are just two examples of a much longer list.

Here’s how to find consumer startup unicorns

consumer spend unicorns - nextview

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