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Mattermark Daily – Tuesday, August 4th, 2015

Cyber Security Startups: Industry Overview


The 10-page Cyber Security Overview Includes:

  • Growth Scores, Employee Counts, and Company-level funding data for the 11 fastest growing U.S. Cyber Security startups
  • 5 Most Active Investors in the space, sorted by number of deals done
  • Total Funding announced by Cyber Security startups

From the Investors

Hunter Walk of Homebrew explains why he thinks there is more cooperation than competition among the 200 ‘micro VCs’ with funds under $100M in “Seed Stage VCs Compete With One Another But Not How You Imagine

Ezra Galston of Chicago Ventures agrees with most of Hunter Walk’s post on ‘micro VC’ competition, but thinks ‘top tier seed funds will be subject to valuation discipline’ in “The Game Theory of the Seed Stage = Pay Upp

Patrick Mathieson of Toba Capital believes ‘traditional VC look more and more like full-stack professional firms’, VCs will see decreased returns on early-stage deals, and more in “How Will the Venture Capital Model or Approach Likely Change in the Next Twenty Years?

Latin American Private Equity and Venture Capital Association releases their bi-annual report that ranks 14 countries based on 12 indicators in “2015/2016 Scorecard on the Private Equity and Venture Capital Environment

Alida Miranda-Wolff of Hyde Park Angels uses examples to demonstrate the formulas/math needed to calculate everything from price per share to percent ownership in “How to Measure Valuation

Mollie McDowell of Rock Health talks with Ambar Bhattacharyya of Bessemer Venture Partners about digital health’s evolution over the past 30 years in “What VCs Think of the Digital health IPO Landscape

Jim Scheinman of Maven Ventures shares three of his tips to battling customer churn and achieving product/market fit in “Reason #4 Why Your Consumer Startup Will Succeed: Product/Market Fit

From the Operators

Joseph Walla of HelloSign encourages founders to think of their customers as investors in “Worried There’s a Bubble? Grow Revenue.

Karen Roter Davis of Urban Engines finds that a great ‘product will understand why the fortune resonated’ and create a larger vision for the customer in “Is Your Product a Fortune Cookie?

Bo Bergstrom of Uvize reflects on how inspiration, purpose, and the value of mentorship led him to organize this year’s Patriot Boot Camp and found Uvize in “Business Bootcamp, Quick & Dirty

Adam Pisoni of Yammer highlights insights from General Stanley McChrystal and Chris Fussell’s book Team of Teams about how McChrystal led hundreds of thousands of people in “What Startups Can Learn from general McChrystal about Combining Strategy and Execution

© Mattermark 2025. Sources: Mattermark Research, Crunchbase, AngelList.