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Mattermark Daily – Tuesday, August 18th, 2015

Internet of Things Startups: Vertical Overview


The 9-page Internet of Things Overview Includes:

  • Growth Scores, Employee Counts, and Company-level funding data for the 11 fastest growing U.S. Internet of Things startups
  • The 5 Most Active Investors in the space, sorted by number of deals done
  • Total Funding announced by Education startups

Get the Internet of Things Startups Report

From the Investors

Bill Earner of Connect Ventures discusses startup boards, his recommended best practices, and how to get the most out of them in “Seedcamp Podcast, Episode 48” (podcast)

Albert Wenger of Union Square Ventures responds to Tim O’Reilly’s post on the evolution of platforms and lessons from successful internet marketplaces in “Networks, Firms and Markets

Rob Go of NextView Ventures starts a Twitter debate with other VCs around why valuations would be included in funding announcements in “I Really Dislike How Funding Announcements Disclose Round Valuations

Lenny Pruss of Redpoint Ventures provides seven slides that attempt to define the components, vendors, and products that make up the emerging ‘cloud-native’ application architecture in “The ‘Cloud-Native’ Landscape

M.G. Siegler of Google Ventures makes his point that being featured in Apple’s App Store may get you a lot of users, but also a lot of churn in “Avoid the Feature

Jim Scheinman of Maven Ventures expands on the three steps he calls ‘the foundation to finding successful, sustainable growth strategies for your business” in “Reason #6 Why Your Consumer startup Will Succeed: Growth

From the Operators

John Doherty of HireGun follows up to Paul Graham’s post that argues startups should have .com domains and advises startups, no matter the name, to focus on traction in “Does a Startup Really Need the .Com of Their Brand Name?

Liz Wessel of WayUp dives into what led her team to rebrand Campus Job and how her users helped in “Right Company, Wrong Name: the Story of How Campus Job Hired Its Own Users (College Students) and Became WayUp

William Mougayar of Startup Management highlights Brian Chesky of AirBnB’s focus on building brand and describes the ‘three areas to focus on for tech startup CEOs in “The Biggest Blindspot of a Startup CEO is Ignoring Their Brand

Maya Prohovnik of Glitter reveals how and why they chose Glitter’s ‘unorthodox’ user onboarding flow and their metrics since launch in “Surprising Users with Something Delightful

Christie Gettler Tarazon of GiftStarter shares her experience being a new mother and how 500 Startups helped accommodate her needs in “How to Treat a Mom in a Tech Accelerator

Michael Ernst of Rich Kid Cool details the seven things he learned in the early days of building Yelp in “Slow Growth Lessons in a Hack-Assed World

Chris Savage of Wistia sees his ability to articulate a clear vision for Wistia’s future as a major selling point to potential customers in “Define Your Vision to Differentiate Your Product

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