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Mattermark Daily – Tuesday, April 12th, 2016

From the Investors

Mark Cranney, Lars Dalgaard, and Ben Horowitz of Andreessen Horowitz discuss why we need sales, how to organize the sales function, and when to bring on the first sales hire in “The Why, How, and When of Sales” (podcast)

Jay Zhao of Granite Ventures reflects on the changes in the capital markets over the past few years and what’s about to come in “Return of the Classic A Round

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Alex Taussig of Lightspeed Venture Partners gives contrary advice to people trying to plan out the next decade of their career in “Don’t Overplan Your Career

Fred Destin of Accel Partners looks back at his first year and a half with Accel, from the challenges of European venture investing to what makes a strong partnership in “Accel, 18 Months In

Elizabeth Yin of 500 Startups walks through an example to highlight how equity should be split amongst co-founders and how that may affect fundraising in “How Should I Split Equity With My Co-Founders?

From the Operators

Mehul Patel of Hired shares the key findings from his company’s report on the wage gap in the tech industry in “Speaking Out About the Gender Wage Gap in Tech

Caroline Dell, formerly of LOLA, and Sutian Dong of Female Founders Fund chat about the challenges facing female entrepreneurs, from fundraising to founding in “Bridging the Female Funding Gap

Biz Stone of Jelly describes why the true promise for the future of technology is for it to find a way to work with humanity such that the two are made better together in “OutRanked

David Byttow of Bold explains why an entertainment product has to provide unique utility, evolve with its customers, and foster communities in order to survive a “hype” cycle in “The Inherent Problem with Anonymous Apps

Eli Portnoy of Sense360 gives his take on how advisory boards can be so much more than just validation for your business and how to leverage advisors in “How Advisory Boards Can Be Your Secret Weapon

Everything Is Awesome And Everything Is Awful (read more)

It’s a confusing time in the world of technology. Things were bad earlier this year, but are better now. Why is that?

Mattermark’s Alex Wilhelm investigates.


PreMoney 2016

PreMoney is a one-day, investor-only conference about the most disruptive strategies, models & technologies for the future of venture capital. This year’s event will take place on June 21st in San Francisco. For $100 off, use the code ‘500FAMILY’

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