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Mattermark Daily – Thursday, November 10th, 2016

From the Investors

Kyle Lacy of OpenView Venture Partners publishes 72 slides encouraging double-digit growth with real strategy instead of ‘growth hacking your way to oblivion’ in “You Can’t Growth Hack Your Way to Success

Brian Harwitt of CoVenture talks about one of the hidden risks online lending companies may be facing and why he anticipates a potential industry collapse in “Why Lending Startups Might be in Serious Trouble

Brad Svrluga of Primary Venture Partners covers major changes in New York City over the past 5 years, along with roadblocks still in the path to becoming a tech powerhouse ecosystem in “Why Age Matters in the Battle for Tech Dominance

Rudina Seseri of Glasswing Ventures discusses why she believes now is the time for an Artificial Intelligence focused fund in “The Twenty Minute VC: Rudina Seseri” (podcast)

Jim Scheinman of Maven Ventures explains why the autonomous vehicle industry is underhyped in “10 Reasons Self-Driving Cars Will Be Here Sooner Than You Think

FundersClub offers an educational guide to learn the basics of startup and angel investing, from the odds of landing on a winning company, to the key players (angels investors and VCs) placing the bets in “VC 101: The Angel Investor’s Guide to Startup Investing.


From the Operators

Karen Roter Davis of Google explores the concept of “patience profiles” of people who work in startups versus more established companies, with implications for recruiting, career changes, and more in “A Closer Look at Patience Profiles

Jordan Wan of CloserIQ provides an overview of the December 1st overtime rule changes and why startups will need to update sales compensation plans in “How The New Overtime Rule Affects Your SDR Comp Plans

John Saddington from Pinpoint outlines a few insights on how to build or start a blog and community as a startup selling to engineers in ” The Making of a Great (Developer) Blog

Karthik Sridharan of Kinnek develops a framework for measuring product performance by segmenting the data and holding variables constant to isolate the performance of new product features in “PUG: A Framework for Measuring Product Performance

Whitney Ricketts of Hired publishes a report with findings from a global survey of working adults to uncover the why and how much behind job search stress in “The Opportunity Index: Perceptions of Mobility & the Job Search


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