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Mattermark Daily – Thursday, May 7th, 2015

From the Investors

Connie Loizos of Strictly VC and Barry Kramer of Fenwick & Westdiscuss the terms behind the 37 U.S.-based companies that raised money at $1 billion+ in the 12 month period ending March 31st in “The Venture Math Behind All These Giant Financings

Josh Felser of Freestyle Capital expands on why he believes, ‘the lead investor you select at the seed stage is the most critical funding decision you will make’ in “Unicorn (gag) Seed Round

David Shen of LaunchCapital provides a dynamic model for investors to use as a benchmark for their portfolio in today’s market in “Angel Investing at Today’s Market Rates is a Losing Proposition

Kate Mitchell of Scale Venture Partners highlights the current and future goals of the National Venture Capital Association’s Diversity Task Force in “Diversity in Venture Capital – A National Conversation

Hunter Walk of Homebrew recaps what’s different about their ‘Year Two annual meeting vs Year One’ and why they find these meetings valuable in “Homebrew’s Second Annual LP Meeting: Why We Do Them

Venture Capitalist Gil Dibner gives his definition of what ‘technology’ means in ‘a venture context’ in “What’s ‘Real Tech’?

Tomasz Tunguz of Redpoint Ventures says, ‘the history of WebEx exemplifies the importance of operating a business with sound principles and decision-making’ in “How Great Unit Economics Enables Startups to Weather the Storm – The Story of WebEx

From the Operators

Brittany Metz of Monkey Inferno shares the two week ‘startup experience’ her team had to endure while building Monkey Inferno’s newest product, Blab, in “Kicked Out of the Office for 2 Weeks

Startup L. Jackson outlines his opinions on Secret shutting down, the founders cashing out, the role Google Ventures played, the Silicon Valley hype cycle, and more in “Thoughts on the Secret Whatnot

Andrew Watts, Student at University of Texas at Austin tells his story of the triumphs and troubles since achieving social media fame and the simple blog post that changed his life in “A Teenager’s View on Life and Virality

Alex Austin of Branch Metrics explains how to grow mobile apps based on real data / case studies from Instacart, 8tracks, Gogobot, Allthecooks and The League in “The Ultimate Guide to Unlocking Mobile Growth

Terry John Lee of MeUndies offers 30 pieces of advice about life that he’s learned over time in “28 and Still Kicking…

Nicolas Nemni of Yolo Apps combines the Hook Framework and the Lean Analytics Stages framework to help startups stay focused on the ‘right’ things in “The Lean Roadmap

From Mattermark 

Sam DeBrule of Mattermark explores yesterday’s historic fundraising announcements in “$1,401,700,000 Raised on May 6 2015 by 17 Startups

Mattermark Webinar: Join our webinar on Friday at 10am PST for a rundown of actionable tips to find the fastest growing startup tenants in your city.

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