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Mattermark Daily – Thursday, December 17th, 2015

From the Investors

First Round Capital turns Drake and Justin Bieber lyrics into startup dad jokes in their annual “Holiday Video 2015

Jeff Bussgang of Flybridge Capital identifies nine public reindeer in Boston, along with ninety-nine private Boston startups currently in the “reindeer pipeline in “Analyzing Boston’s Reindeer (Not Unicorns)

Sarah Guo of Greylock Partners expresses her thoughts on opportunities she she sees for new players vs. platform expansion, the dominance of messaging and more in “Clippy’s Revenge – Smart Messaging as Platform Shift

Albert Wenger of Union Square Ventures believes capital flowing into bot companies is great, but wonders about sustainable competitive advantages in “The Great Bot Rush of 2015-16

David Teten of ff Venture Capital expands on five ways startup CEOs can keep themselves and their teams accountable with metrics in “How to Run Your Company Based on Metrics: What, Why, How, Who, and When

Investor Jason Lemkin breaks down how VCs spend their time in “What Would Venture Capitalists Do When They Don’t Have to Source or Execute Deals?

From the Operators

Charlie Schaub at Rocketrip advises growing companies how to organize their travel policy (and control costs) in “How To Write A Company Travel Policy

Rob Hunter of HigherMe encourages people to seek out and hire people that have experience working in retail and fast-food in “The McDonald’s Quotient

Michael Heyward of Whisper announces 20,000,000 monthly active users and highlights notable moments and metrics from 2015 in “20 Million and Counting

Atish Davda of EquityZen details market market concerns over late stage valuations in “Unicorns, Donkeys, and Late Stage Valuations – Are You Managing Your Portfolio Well? (Part 2)

Startup Lawyer Jose Ancer recommends founders to never put local access to advisors before competence and results in “Bad Advisors: The Problem with Localism


Techstars NYC Fall 2015 Startups – Sorted By The Growth Score

Today, Techstars NYC hosted their Demo Day for their Fall 2015 batch in New York City. Here’s the ranked list of startups.

techstars nyc fall 2015 startups 2

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