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Mattermark Daily – Thursday, August 28th

From the Investors

Brad Feld of Foundry Group thinks “Being Adult in a Relationship” doesn’t mean being conflict-free; it means resolving conflicts mindfully.

Semil Shah of Haystack Fund offers a macro view of the present state of early-stage fundraising in “Fall 2014 Fundraising Field Notes

Mackey Craven of OpenView Venture Partners unearths the most efficient video streaming infrastructure on the planet in “Billion-Dollar Bet: The Real Reason Amazon and Google Wanted Twitch

Matt Turck of FirstMark Capital makes the pitch for why Europeans founders should consider the Big Apple in “NYC: A Natural Home for European Entrepreneurs

Ben Horowitz of Andreessen Horowitz meets with the founders of Five-O, the app founded by three teenage siblings in the aftermath of Ferguson, in “a16z Podcast: Three Kids, One App, One Love — The Five-O Story

Jonathan Friedman of LionBird recommends you get a referral from a portfolio company in “How to Get a Meeting with Your Dream VC

John Greathouse of Rincon Venture Partners recommends a dash of humor, consistent engagement, and plenty of pictures in “When Doing a Crowdfunding Project, What is the Best Strategy and Steps to Get Funded?” (via Quora)

From the Operators

Gina Bianchini of Mightybell shares the best advice she’s ever received and the trait that’s enabled her to find success as an entrepreneur — “Do Something Every Day That Scares You

Joshua Goldstein of Underdog.io takes the reader along for a ride in “Our First Four Months Building Underdog.io

Ben Kellie of Stamp Thermoelectric considers the economics of production and the timing for fundraising from VCs in “Kickstarting Catastrophe

Gordon Rios of Pandora sits down with First Round Review to discuss silo-effects, managing data scientists, and mentoring in “What I Learned as Pandora’s First Data Scientist

Dharmesh Shah of HubSpot trains your sights on defining a critical path in “Startup Traction Starts with the Right Goal. How to Get it Right.

Karl Hughes of Packback dismantles “The Myths You’ll Hear About Working as an Engineer at a Startup

From the Community

Charmaine Li of Tech.eu speaks with several alumni of the accelerator about the secret to Rocket’s success in “Doing It the Rocket Internet Way: An Inside Look at What It’s Like to Build Companies at Lightning Speed

© Mattermark 2025. Sources: Mattermark Research, Crunchbase, AngelList.