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Mattermark Daily – Monday, October 20th

New on Mattermark

Today, we introduced Mattermark’s Growth Score, which takes into account increasing employee numbers and funding amounts over time. The Growth Score coexists with the Mindshare Score; tracking social media, web traffic and app download metrics. Mattermark CEO Danielle Morrill reveals a sales strategy you can use with the Growth Score in “Targeted Customer Acquisition for B2B Startups

From the Investors

Tomasz Tunguz of Redpoint Ventures cites three reasons why gross margin is critical to startup financials in “Why Revenue Isn’t The Most Important Financial Metric For Startups

Shai Goldman of SVB Capital believes startups ‘looking to be acquired’ should note the balance sheets of large tech companies in “The $600B Opportunity

David Cummings of Atlanta Ventures outlines methods to build and maintain relationships with VCs in “Have an On-Going Dialogue with VCs

Matt Turck of FirstMark details seven ‘behind the scenes’ aspects of being a VC in “A Few Non-Obvious Things I Learned as a New VC

Fred Wilson of Union Square Ventures envisions a future where our mobile devices are connected in a ‘mesh network’ in “The Personal Cloud

Mark Suster of Upfront Ventures sees ‘massive’ success in a new ‘digital plus physical’ startup in “A Seriously Great Story and Why We Funded Them

Semil Shah of Haystack Fund lays out how he reduces his smartphone ‘taxes’ in “The Three Push Notification Taxes

From the Operators

Tracy Chou of Pinterest shares her thoughts on why learning from your current role is valuable in “When Are You Going to Start Your Own Company?

Stylianos Lambrou of Social Airways expands on themes of passion, drive and impact in “Change Your World

Rahen Sanghvi of ShopLocket tells his story of meeting ‘Humble George’ and how that inspired him in “8 Reasons Humility is a Necessary Skill For Founders

Tren Griffin of Microsoft adds his perspective of Lean Startups, financial success and management in “A Dozen Things I’ve Learned From Steve Blank About Startups

© Mattermark 2025. Sources: Mattermark Research, Crunchbase, AngelList.