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Mattermark Daily – Monday, July 11th, 2016

From the Investors

Sammy Abdullah at DAN Fund publishes his internal data on valuations Series A startups are asking for in “Startups are asking for lower multiples, slightly

Sam Altman of Y Combinator dives into a list of topics that later stage startups face when they’re 12-24 months in and doing well in “Later Stage Advice for Startups

Eddie Thai of 500 Startups expands on five ways governments and ecosystem builders can help fintech in “Fintech Investment is Exploding

Albert Wenger of Union Square Ventures and Harry Stebbings of The Twenty Minute VC cover automation replacing humans, universal basic income, and the different phases of startup growth in “20VC: Albert Wenger” (podcast)

John Greathouse of Rincon Venture Partners outlines six reasons he’d rather not spend time sitting passively through a rehearsed product demo in “VC Confessions: I Don’t Really Care About Your Product Demo

Jason Shuman from Corigin Ventures discusses his firsthand experience and thoughts on the co-living market in “The Future of Living, Part 1: A VC’s WeLive Experience


From the Operators

Lincoln Murphy of Winning by Design says most companies have everything backwards, focusing too much on the initial sale at the expense of Customer Lifetime Value growth in “Visualizing the Importance of Customer Success

Henry Ward of eShares explains why they created multiple business units, how they manage them, the corresponding org chart, and the hiring impact in “Founders Wanted


Michael Muse of Managed by Q shares how someone else’s software gave them an unfair advantage in building an operating system for the physical world in “Using Expensive Enterprise Software to be More ‘Lean Startup’

Serial Entrepreneur, Steve Blank interviews Jessica Mah of InDinero and Peggy Burke of 1185 Design about how founders cope with startup challenges in “Entrepreneurs are Everywhere Show No. 35

Tren Griffin of Microsoft reflects on a dozen things he learned from Eugene Kleiner about investing and business in “12 Things: Eugene Kleiner


Stocks Hit Record Highs Ahead Of Line’s IPO

Line’s upcoming IPO will set new valuation benchmarks for social companies. How will they fare? Mattermark’s Alex Wilhelm investigates.


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