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Mattermark Daily – Monday, January 25th, 2016

From the Investors

Dave McClure of 500 Startups believes founders should ignore and reject Sam Altman’s advice to only apply to one accelerator, whether that is YC or 500 or any other in “Plays Well With Others

Alex Danco of Social Capital guesses as to what conditions the next $100B company (the mythical Indicorn) will have grown up in, and what to look for in“Seeking the Indicorn

Accel Partners addresses the urgency of shoring up operating discipline and pushing towards profitable unit economics, identifies target investment verticals and more in “Reflecting on 2015 and Looking Ahead to 2016


Judith Elsea of Weathergage Capital looks back on the past ten years of running a ‘micro VC’ firm and offers advice to the newcomers in “Lightning in a Bottle: The Evolution of Micro-VC

Nik Kalliagkopoulos of Prime Ventures shares his tips for startup and scale up financial models, arguing that these are the equivalent of clean computer code to financials in “8 + 2 Tips for Startup and Scaleup Financial Models…

Christine Tsai of 500 Startups outlines some of her lessons learned from growing the 500 Startups team to 100 people around the world in “6 Things to Expect When Your Company Hits 100 People

The #Angels Team reviews their 30 investments, what they learned and how they established the #Angels operation in 2015 in “Hello 2016


From the Operators

Eli Portnoy of Sense360 describes what he felt like before, during, and after pitching his first VC and he hopes every VC can at least respect founders’ commitment and love for entrepreneurship in “My First VC Meeting – A Tale of Brutal Rejection

Deva Hazarika of Opstarts helps founders understand the relationship between SaaS sales, bookings, billings, cash, revenue, MRR, and ARR in “The Complete Guide to SaaS Revenue

Biz Stone of Jelly expands on the five tips he’s learned from working alongside CEOs that he encourages new CEOs to be aware of in “CEO Advice from a New CEO

Donald Rumsfeld, former Secretary of Defense announces a new mobile game and adds his thoughts on why you should always be learning in “At 83, I Decided to Develop an App

Yevgeniy Brikman of Atomic Squirrel showcases MVP-as-a-process, in action, with an example startup looking for the right product to build in “A Minimum Viable Product Is Not a Product, It’s a Process

Katie Stanton, formerly of Twitter reveals why she decided to resign from Twitter after almost six years in “It’s About…Time


Where To Get Funded In 2016 That Isn’t Silicon Valley (here’s the data)

Want to raise money for your startup, but don’t want to move to San Francisco or the Bay Area to do so? Mattermark dug through nearly 7,000 early-stage funding rounds to find the hottest markets to land fresh capital.


© Mattermark 2025. Sources: Mattermark Research, Crunchbase, AngelList.