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Mattermark Daily – Monday, April 17th, 2017

From the Investors

Mark Suster of Upfront Ventures finds that only those with maniacal focus on results and a willingness not to engage in every activity achieve extraordinary results in “Why Great Executives Avoid Shiny Objects

Semil Shah of Haystack posts data-driven graphics that depict the total number of dollars raised, ownership trends, and follow-on deals in the Haystack portfolio in “Visualizing Haystack

Tomasz Tunguz of Redpoint Ventures advises to create a shared lexicon about how to evaluate demand generation portfolios, and what the best asset allocation might be for your business in “The Four Dimensions Of A Demand Generation Portfolio

Hooman Radfar of Expa discusses his experiences building Ando, learning the real meaning of CEO leading AddThis through the recession, journaling techniques to explore, understand, and expand new ideas in “How to Stimulate and Strengthen Your Creative Muscle” (podcast)

Craig Hanson of NextWorld Capital offers one VC’s response to the recent troubling reports of some CEOs bad behavior against their employees in “What Being ‘Entrepreneur-Friendly’ Really Means

Jason Shuman, now handling venture investments for GLG Co-Founder Mark Gerson, helps millennials think about choosing their next move in “Want to Change Jobs? Ask Yourself This 1 Question.

26 VR Companies That Grew 50%+ In 6 Months

Based on Mattermark’s data-driven Growth Score, industry tags, location, and amount of funding, here are 26 VR startups with more than 50% employee growth in the last six months.

From the Operators

Omar Mohout of Sirris reports that despite European startups raising less capital in Q1 2017 than in Q1 2016, the number of deals is higher this year compared to last year, in “Q1 European Scaleups Report

Sallie Krawcheck of Ellevest provides an overview of startup fundraising lessons and methods with a focus on female founders in “What It Takes to Fund Your Business

Daria Evdokimova of VoiceOps thinks voice optimization could be a US$36B opportunity, enterprise voice data is a treasure trove nobody is looking at, and AI is less about magical robots, and more about building proprietary data sets in “‘Our mission is to be moneyball for sales.’

Janessa Lantz of HubSpot explores the role trust plays in so many business problems and how she’s started making trust a bigger part of the success equation in “The Problem Is Probably Trust

Adam Naor of Pennybox highlights examples to remind us that if you are going to start a company, you will face moments of uncertainty and doubt in “Why can’t Being a Founder Be Easier?

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© Mattermark 2025. Sources: Mattermark Research, Crunchbase, AngelList.