Filtering on industry tags help thousands of professionals sort through the noise to find promising companies. But what if your investment thesis or target audience is more specific, or obscure enough to defy definition?
Introducing Keyword Search
Today we are excited to introduce keyword search to help Mattermark Pro customers break free from tags, and dig even deeper into our rich dataset. With keyword search, Mattermark can quickly find hundreds of relevant companies before your competition even knows they exist based on the contents of news articles, website, description, and more. To use keyword search, sign in and click on “Keywords” in the menu bar at the top of the All Companies page. Please note that keyword search is only available for Mattermark Professional and Team plans.
Type a keyword or phrase that describes your target. For the purposes of this demo, we’ll search for “drones,” a young industry, and one Mattermark has yet to create a tag for. Click on “Search” for results.
In just two clicks (and 6 characters), we’ve found 35 relevant leads. From here, we can filter down based on vertical, funding round, geographic location, company size, or any other important qualifiers.
We can also save this search for the future by clicking on the Save Search icon, located on the upper right side of the page.
By setting your search free, Mattermark can now more quickly find the companies that interest you most. Log in today to try keyword search out for yourself, or sign up for a free 30 day trial now.