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Hard-Hitting Interview With Area Millennial VC Josh Felser

tl;dr: Read the darn thing.

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I often reach out to venture capitalists to get their take on the current state of the market, what they are excited about, and what is worrying. Usually these conversations are conducted using words.

However I recently spoke with Josh Felser of Freestyle Capital, who took a slightly different approach. Instead of using his big-boy talking, Josh exercised his inner-teen and used pictograms to share his views on today’s venture capital landscape.

And yes, he said I could share this. Without further ado, I give you by far the most hard-hitting interview I have ever conducted:

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In case that wasn’t entirely clear, here’s a reconstructed transcript using normal methods of communications:

  • Alex: What are you seeing in the market?
  • Area Millennial VC: I want to party, but the market isn’t quite like that. Instead, things are a bit slow and patient.
  • Area Millennial VC: I have my finger in it. [Translation unavailable.]
  • Alex: So, things are not amazing, but they are also not entirely terrible?
  • Area Millennial VC: Exactly.
  • Area Millennial VC: I enjoy your interview style.
  • [crosstalk]
  • Alex: Your paper markups are still intact, however, given the past bull portion of the business cycle?
  • Alex: Also I may publish your biting commentary on the current state of venture capital, because I wish to.
  • Area Millennial VC: Yes my paper markups are intact, but the current market for exits is deleterious to my stomach lining. I will therefore take a month off to recover from my strenuous job.
  • Alex: As a journalist, I must publish this encounter for the world to see.
  • Area Millennial VC:

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