Much has been made lately of whether or not technology investment is experiencing a bubble, as interest rates remain low and yield-chasing continues to drive up prices. While bubbles are best analyzed in retrospect, after they pop, it is interesting to note levels of investment in startups are approaching their previous all-time highs from 2000.
I’ll leave it to pundits to debate whether this is a meaningful indication of a bubble, but one thing is clear: large amounts of capital continue to flow to startups at an increasing rate.
2015 Startup Funding Pace
If total funding to U.S. startups follows the pace set in the first half of 2015, we can expect just shy of $80 Billion dollars of new funding to be deployed by the end of this year.
Zooming in on the past 5 years, we can also see a steady uptick at the quarterly level, with Q2 on pace to see $16 Billion in funding deployed to startups, down from a high water mark of $23 Billion in Q1 2015 which was driven up by a handful of massive late-stage financings.
All this data and much more is available at the company, round, and fund level within Mattermark Professional. Sign up for a free trial today and enjoy 14-days of free access to perform your own research and analysis.