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Mattermark Daily – Monday, August 17th, 2015

Top 10 YC (S15) Demo Day Startups


Sam DeBrule of Mattermark ranks Y Combinator’s most recent class of summer startups in “Top 10 Y Combinator Summer 2015 Demo Day Startups — Sorted By The Growth Score

From the Investors

Reid Hoffman of Greylock Partners sees the increasing number of unicorns as a sign of a healthy, productive ecosystem at work in what he calls the ‘Networked Age’ in “A Herd of Unicorns

Angela Tran Kingyens of Version One Ventures and Jonathan Libov of Union Square Ventures question how much care phones and telemedicine can provide in the first part of a four-part article on today’s digital healthcare space in “On Digital Healthcare: Mobile Endpoints

Bill Gurley of Benchmark Capital outlines some of the key business characteristics that would be used to separate high quality companies from ‘low quality revenue companies’ in “All Revenue is Not Created Equal: The Keys to the 10X Revenue Club

Angel Investor Joanne Wilson highlights statistics from this post by Rachel Thomas and declares that she only invests in startups with a gender balance from the get-go in “All Bros?

Angel Investor William Mougayar issues his second warning about the Bitcoin ecosystem and reminds us that ‘it needs to gradually grow vs. rush its development in “Warning: Unrealistic Valuations in the Bitcoin and Blockchain Space

Boris Wertz of Version One Ventures advises startups to never outsource activities that are core to their business and to have high standards for outsourced firms in “Should You Outsource Your Financial Operations?

From the Operators

Tim O’Reilly of O’Reilly Media expands on the evolution of platforms, the modern franchise model, and key lessons from successful Internet marketplaces in “Networks and the Nature of the Firm

Caroline Fairchild of LinkedIn finds themes in the comments of current and former Amazon employees, in response to the New York Times story on Amazon’s culture in “Here’s What 25+ Amazonians Really Think About Their Company’s Culture

Mark Macleod of Surepath Capital Partners recommends that even if a founder hires a full-time or part-time CFO, they can delegate tasks, but should never abdicate responsibility in “The Zirtual Fiasco

David Ehrenberg of Early Growth Financial Services guides founders in understanding the ‘protocol of the funding process’ in “Raising A Round? Here’s What NOT to Do

Russell Lange of EquityZen crunches the numbers on 71 of the 214 venture-backed companies that IPO’d since 2013 to profile what the ‘average’ venture-backed company looks like at IPO in “But When Will They Go Public? A Profile of the Average Company at IPO

James Somers of Genius explains the time cost of something being slow and that working faster can decrease the perceived cost of that task in “Speed Matters: Why Working Quickly Is More Important Than It Seems

Noya Lizor of Viola Notes helps new CTOs learn from more experienced CTOs in “13 Experiences Startup CTOs Offer Their Top Tips to First-Time CTOs

© Mattermark 2025. Sources: Mattermark Research, Crunchbase, AngelList.