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Mattermark Daily – Tuesday, May 24th, 2016

From the Investors

Adeo Ressi of Founder Institute discusses why the natural correction in startup valuations will force everyone to make smarter decisions when building and funding companies in “2016 Will Be Rough For Startups. Here’s Why That’s a Good Thing

Alex Taussig of Lightspeed Venture Partners takes a look at the future of the TV industry, concluding that declining offline viewership will create a crisis for legacy TV networks in the next 5-10 years in “The TV Industry Will Unravel Faster Than You Think


Stuart Willson of Prehype explains why employees are the real losers whenever there is an implosion in the early-stage private markets in “TherOhNos: Who Really Gets Hurt When Startups Blow Up?

Angela Tran Kingyens of Version One summarizes why the collective drive of a startup’s surroundings is important for its growth and support in “Building Startups and Collective Ambition Outside Silicon Valley

Jeffrey Carter of West Loop Ventures passes along his learnings on how to make the transition from angel investing to fund investing in “How To Go From Angel To Fund

Matthew Bradley of Forward Partners explores how businesses like Activision and Facebook are looking to get in on the eSports action in “Journey to the Centre of eSports: Part 2

From the Operators

Ben Thompson of Stratechery talks about why the rigidity in Apple and Google’s “cultures” could one day lead to their failure in “The Curse of Culture

John Vars of TaskRabbit writes about the interesting similarities between executive teams at startups in “Welcome to the Executive Team. It’s Messy Here

Gagan Biyani of Sprig chats about the state of the on-demand economy, from funding and failures to regulation and the future of the restaurant industry in “The Past, Present, and Future of On-Demand” (podcast)

Sam Goertler of Asana covers why redesigns — even of apps users have already come to love — are as difficult as they are inevitable and how to navigate them with grit and grace in “Here’s How Asana Won With Its Product Redesign

Kyle Samani of WorkingOnHisNextAdventure details how vendors can gain all of the leverage in sales negotiations in “What Is The Essence Of Sales?

Sophia Dominguez of AllThingsVR concludes that, if the goal of AR/VR is to replace our smartphones, technical terminology will be replaced by a verb or product name, just as we’ve seen occur in the past in “Stop Fighting over VR/AR/MR Nomenclature: The ‘Mass Market’ Won’t Tolerate It

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