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Mattermark Daily – Tuesday, August 25th, 2015

From the Investors

Mark Suster of Upfront Ventures adds on to yesterday’s post that discusses how the crash will impact late-stage venture markets, with a note of caution for founders and investors in “The Morning After

Adam Marcus of OpenView Venture Partners advises founders to forget billion-dollar valuations and to focus on hardcore business metrics instead in “Why Billion-Dollar Valuations Don’t Matter

Nick Chirls of Notation Capital explores why valuations matter to VCs and the impact of VC portfolio construction on startups in “On Negotiating Valuations…

Jo Tango of Kepha Partners encourages founders to take a break after a startup failure, in order to mourn, relax, and recharge in “Your Start-Up Failed? Go Ahead and Have Fun

Mahesh Vellanki of Redpoint Ventures breaks down the emerging eSports category in response to increasing interest from the venture community in “The Emerging Sector Everyone is Talking About… And Doesn’t Understand

Harry Stebbings of The Twenty Minute VC and Brad Feld of Foundry Group discuss Brad’s move from entrepreneurship to VC, his thoughts on startup failure, investment themes, and more in “Foundry Group Week 1: Brad Feld” (podcast)

Jonathon Triest and Brett deMarrais of Ludlow Ventures talk to Ryan Hoover about the Product Hunt voting system, dream hires, and expanding beyond the tech community in “S1 E5 – Ryan Hoover, Product Hunt“ (video)

From the Operators

Caroline Fairchild of LinkedIn asks multiple VCs to share their opinions on how recent stock market troubles may hurt private investors and entrepreneurs in “When the Stock Market Falls, What do Venture Capitalists Hear?

Daniel Tawfik of Vonjour sheds light on the downsides of the tunnel vision focus founders experience after starting a new venture in “The Tunnel Vision Fallacy

Vedant Suri of EquityZen provides an update on the ‘tech animal kingdom’ and how the changing landscape of venture capital affects startup employees in “Unicorns, Dinosaurs & the Elephant in the Room

Peter Kazanjy of TalentBin explains some mindset changes to help transition from founder or domain expert to a ‘formidable sales professional’ in “10 Ways You Need to Change How You Think and Talk to Succeed at Sales

Beth Dean of Facebook believes design for the web is still in its adolescence and shares ways design can grow up in “Emotional Intelligence in Design

Startup Lawyer Jose Ancer guides you around authentic referrals made on merit vs. one made because of quid-pro-quo business motives in “Navigating Referrals in a Connected Startup Ecosystem

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