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Mattermark Daily – Thursday, August 13th, 2015


Danielle Morrill of Mattermark shares with CNN Money, her perspective on creating an open conversation around companies’ financial decisions in “Startups Should Reveal How They’re Spending Money

From the Investors

Ezra Galston of Chicago Ventures contemplates the ‘recent carnage’ of consumer startups shutting down and explores a few possible theories in “Is It the End of the World As We Know It?

Charlie O’Donnell of Brooklyn Bridge Ventures outlines a pointed list of ways founders can successfully fail at building a startup in “10 Surefire Ways to Increase Your Chance of Startup Failure

Stephen Forte of Fresco Capital disregards the ‘Series A gap’ and finds many early startups raise at too high a valuation that causes a ‘self-inflicted wound’ later on in “There Is No Series A Gap

Adam Quinton of Lucas Point Ventures believes investors should treat founders with commensurate respect and details his due diligence philosophy in “Investors: A Philosophy for Early-Stage Startup Due Diligence

Chris McCann of Greylock Partners analyzes the universe of drone startups and expands on his key observations in “Drone Market Ecosystem Map

Mahesh Vellanki of Redpoint Ventures scores each app store category and determines who is faring better on mobile – startups or desktop incumbents in “Have Desktop Companies Leveraged Mobile Better Than Startups?

Semil Shah for StrictlyVC and Jenny Lee of GGV Capital discuss China’s stock market correction and how it may impact their startup ecosystem, traits of Chinese mobile consumers, and more in “Jenny Lee of GGV Capital on What to Know Now About China

From the Operators

Mike Belsito, Co-Organizer of Industry 2015 describes Industry, a product summit in the Midwest for people who build, launch, and scale world class products in “7 Reasons for Product People to Attend Industry 2015” (Use the code “Mattermark” to save $100)

Startup Lawyer Barry Kramer explains the ‘tax spread’ on incentive stock options (ISO) and how it impacts an employee’s ability to leave a company or exercise their options in “The Tax Law that is (Unintentionally) Hammering Silicon Valley Employees

Francine Hardaway of Stealthmode Partners highlights several ‘common Silicon Valley myths’ as the cause of Zirtual’s collapse in “If You Think Zirtual Was a One-Off, Think Again

David Binetti of Innovation Options Framework calls out ‘fantasy based projections’ in traditional valuations and presents his option-based model as a solution in “Angels and Options

Chloe Alpert of Savonbox recaps how she tested three product ideas over three months, how they compared, and how she decided which product to pursue in “Serial Entrepreneurs – It’s Time for Your Next Big Idea! Except There’s More Than One. How Do You Choose?

Deborah Jackson of Plum Alley talks about AngelList’s gender breakdown and how she says it can be fixed in early stage financing in “Solving Silicon Valley’s Gender Imbalance.

Funding Activity

Today in funding: Apple CEO Tim Cook makes angel investment in Nebia; NBC Universal invests $200M in both Vox Media AND Buzzfeed. With Mattermark on iOS, you can discover the most recent funding events.

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© Mattermark 2025. Sources: Mattermark Research, Crunchbase, AngelList.