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Mattermark Daily – Monday, October 3rd, 2016

From the Investors

Maia Heymann and Ash Egan of Converge Venture Partners highlight early experimentation (consortium and blockchain-as-a-service options), plus the four items every corporate buyer should consider in “Blockchain Adoption: Will Corporates Take the Plunge?

Beth Scheer, Hunter Walk, and Satya Patel discuss existential moments for startups, building trust in the founder-investor relationship, and supporting founders to build companies they’re proud of in “Homebrew’s People First Approach to VC

Stonly Baptiste of Urban.Us shares the results of their investments over the last three years, across four impact areas in “How 23 Startups Are Re-imaging Cities And Why We Invested

Matt Bradley of Forward Partners believes that community and commerce will soon completely merge, driving superior business economics in “Trust Issues: Volume 1


Brad Feld of Foundry Group returns from a 30-day sabbatical and reflects on the stigma of ‘mental health’ in “Mental Fitness

Elizabeth Yin of 500 Startups advises founders to find balance between painting their vision and explaining their current product in “Build a Product That Fits Your Runway


From the Operators

David Gimbel of Impact Radius features a scalable framework for building sales development teams in “How to Set Up an Outbound SDR Process

Karthik Sridharan of Kinnek identifies how founders who help their teams optimize for learning and understanding can accelerate their progress toward goals in “Teaching Your Organization To Learn

Eric Posen and Dan Altmann of Naritiv reveal how they decided they needed to pivot, how they did it and their reflections on the decision in “Pivot Stories: How Naritiv Found Success

John Doran of Phorest deep dives into technical debt and it’s impact on building a startup in “Technical Debt: What is it and how does it actually affect your startup?


Samir Goel of LinkedIn and Scott Amenta of Spring uncover how finding product market fit weighed against their desire for instant gratification in “Is Being Too Early The Same As Being Wrong? Lessons Learned from Spring Chief of Staff, Scott Amenta


How Women VCs Affect The Performance Of Firms And Startups (read more)

As the technology world works on becoming a more diverse, vibrant place, the world of venture capital remains too uniform for comfort. What impact does gender diversity have on the venture space? Mattermark went and found out.


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