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Mattermark Daily – Monday, June 20th, 2016

From the Investors

Dustin Rosen of Wonder VC outlines what to do when “seed” investors inevitably ask to see more traction in “Micro Traction


Brad Feld of Foundry Group guides founders through how to explore both competence fit and culture fit in current and near term context in “A Scaling Magic Trick

Elizabeth Yin of 500 Startups says, “A ‘no’ or non-response today isn’t forever” in “How to follow up with investors who have rejected you?

David Lee of Refactor Capital understands how founders react to the term ‘financial model’, and compares it against building a plan in “Financial Model vs. Operating Plan

Jonathan Friedman of LionBird Ventures dissects why he believes companies helping incumbents “rent disruption” are a bad fit for the VC model in “Investing in the Incumbent Side of Disruption

Isaac Madan of Venrock shares an updated list of recent resources for staying up to date on deep learning in “Up to Speed on Deep Learning: June Update

Lauren Kolodny of Aspect Ventures covers the impact the recession had on millennials and the opportunities for startups to serve as a result in “Coming of Age in the Great Recession: A Millennial Financial Perspective

From the Operators

Jason Goldberg of Pepo (and formerly of Fab.com) presents the timeline of events of the Fab+Hem journey and begins to touch on lessons learned from his viewpoint in “On the Rebound from Epic Failure

Laura Roeder of Edgar discusses the benefits of bootstrapping a saas company in “The Official SaaStr Podcast #027

Julien Smith of Breather shares the early tactic that helped his company succeed in “This is the “Growth Hack” That Got My Whole Company Started

Alex Fishman of Bugsee expands on why if you didn’t give up for a really long time, and you’re still not there, maybe it’s time to fail fast in “My cofounder said “I love what we’re doing” and we shut down our startup

Ash Rust of SendHub realizes investors are busy and asking them for help the wrong way results in minimal progress in “Bad Ways to Ask for Investor Help

Gregory Koberger at readme.io descrives the benefits of having a startup mascot and how theirs drove over 70,000 views in two days in “Why Every Startup Needs a Mascot

Matthew Szymczyk of Zugara goes over why all the current investment into VR content companies is creating an unsustainable bubble in “Virtual Reality Is The Hare, Augmented Reality Is The Tortoise

Paddy Monaghan of Phorest explains how asking the right questions is the key to finding out what your customers want in “Henry Ford had it wrong

Venture Capital Cooling Trend: “Wait And See” Mode Continues With Deal Volume Up 11%, Capital Deployment Down 8% YTD (read more)

Is the Great VC Slowdown finally here? It just might be. Early data collected by Danielle Morrill paint a very different picture for Q2, compared to Q1.


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