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Mattermark Daily – Monday, July 27th, 2015

From the Investors

Li Jiang of GSV Asset Management showcases various ‘high impact’ business models and the successful companies that utilize them in “Different Strokes

Albert Wenger of Union Square Ventures outlines how to be less anxious as an investor, in response to Fred Wilson’s post for founders in “Anxious Investors (the Investor Side)

Angel Tran-Kingyens of Version One Ventures defines indirect anddirect network effects and how network effects are different from virality in “Network Effects in Marketplace, Communities, and Social Platforms

Angel Investor Joanne Wilson features Lizzy Klein’s path to entrepreneurship and how she launched her startup, SuperDuper in “Lizzy Klein, Super Duper, Woman Entrepreneur

Guy Turner of Hyde Park Venture Partners explains what HPVP looks for in seed investments and what seed stage founders might look for in VCs in “Anatomy of a VC Seed Program (and you)

Mahesh Vellanki of Redpoint Ventures thinks the concept of the ‘milkman’ may be coming back, as he dissects the innovations and potential value of some emerging grocery services in “Are We Seeing a Return of the Milkman?

From the Operators

Nathan Sinsabaugh of Studio Science explains why design is just as critical, if not more, to early stage startups than enterprise level companies in “Design is Non-Negotiable, Especially for Startups

Sam DeBrule of Mattermark encourages startup founders to incorporate regular exercise into their daily routines in “The Key to Fitness for Startups: Advice, Best Practices, & Tools

Jane Wang of Work-Bench reviews Mike Olson’s, Co-founder of Cloudera, thoughts on staying cool in a competitive open source environment, Aaron Levie, and NYC’s tech community in “Enterprise Founders Upfront No. 3

Jimi Wen of Trigger describes how the designer, developer and product person ‘nearly always debate about their product around Maslow’s pyramid’ in “The Software Jigsaw Into Maslow’s Pyramid

Brad Van Vugt of SendWithUs guides potential startup employees through writing ‘an ideal job application’ and what he looks for from candidates in “Applying to Startup Jobs

Sam Lessin of The Information evaluates the impact and complications of a company that pivots vs. starting over in “The Hidden Costs of Pivoting




© Mattermark 2025. Sources: Mattermark Research, Crunchbase, AngelList.