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Mattermark Daily – Monday, January 11th, 2016

From the Investors

Adam Quinton of Lucas Point Ventures warns that while there are more angels per capita, check writing is on the decline, which may lead to more early stage failures in “The Coming Angel Ice Age

Geoff Ralston of Y Combinator provides a brief guide of what startup founders need to know about raising the seed funds critical to getting their company off the ground in “A Guide to Seed Fundraising

Cooper Zelnick of RRE Ventures explores the FOMO and groupthink that happens during the venture investing process with a recent example he encountered in “Navigating the Hype

Li Jiang of GSV compares technology companies to houses and tulips and argues why we are still very far from a financial bubble in the technology industry in “Nice Try, But There’s Still No Bubble in Technology

David Goldberg of Corigin Ventures takes a transparent look at their last 15 deals, how they were sourced, and adds some background context in”Where Do Deals Come From?

Charlie O’Donnell of Brooklyn Bridge Ventures embraces how hard it is to lead a company while maintaining emotional strength and offers founders some advice in “How to Stand Tall While Being Human

From the Operators

Joshua Levy formerly of Viv Labs gives startup founders and employees a base to start from when thinking about how equity compensation works in “The Open Guide to Equity Compensation

Serial Entrepreneur, Elad Gil lays out what it takes to sustain a large, late stage private company and the pros and cons of going public in “Waiting too Long to Go Public

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Anita Kutlesa of Transifex reviews common pitfalls founders face when establishing their finance operations at early stage startups in “The Top 10 Important Finance Mistakes First Time Founders Make

Dave Kellogg of Host Analytics defines the foundational levels of manager, director and vice president in terms based on tangible results in “Career Development:  What It Really Means to be a Manager, Director, or VP

Serial Entrepreneur, Hiten Shah adds more context about how he plans to build his new product for customers to find product/market fit in “Why we’re focused on product before growth and venture capital

Ash Maurya of Bootstart claims, ‘there’s never been a better time to act on your big idea”, and explains how to do it in “The Bootstart Manifesto

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Hello Mattermark Daily family, it’s nice to be here. Today we published a short overview of where the Mattermark blog is heading this year. We’re going to do more, and more often. Strap in, this is going to rock.

 – Alex Wilhelm, Editor in Chief at Mattermark

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