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The Future of Sales, 29 SaaS Marketing Lessons, and More – Raise The Bar

Why The Future of Sales Looks A Lot Less Salesy (read)

Even with something as formal as enterprise B2B sales, businesses don’t buy things, people do. So what does this mean for the shifting future of sales? There are three things that stand out in the changing role of sales.


Always Be Closing Sales

Jennifer Dignum of Xactly Corporation collects insights from 11 sales experts on why marketing and sales alignment is so difficult and what mistakes are being made in “The Biggest Faux Pas for Sales and Marketing Alignment

Brooke Freedman of HubSpot believes you can avoid putting your prospect on the defense, and maintain trust by working with the Listen, Acknowledge, Explore, Respond framework in “The Simple Framework I Use for Objection Handling in Sales

Barbara Weaver Smith and Jeff Shore uncover practical ways for sales professionals to address buyer fears in a genuinely empathetic way that always puts the customer’s best interests first in “The Buyer’s Mind, #014: A Buyer’s Unspoken Fears” (podcast)


SaaS Metrics Survey

Are you ready to raise your next round? Take our survey to help measure and benchmark the metrics vital to a SaaS company’s success. Answers will be compiled and sent to participants this summer. Go here to take the survey.


Expand Your Marketing Funnel

Amrita Chandra of CrowdRiff discusses new ways to adopt video in marketing campaigns, how live video is changing the game, how micro-influencers and authenticity play a part in your brand’s marketing, and more in “Why Visual Marketing is Key for Brands in 2017” (podcast)

Mary Green, formerly of Inbound.org, provides a teardown and analysis of Drift’s marketing get my conversion and homepage checklists in “29 SaaS Marketing Lessons from Drift


Grow Up and To The Right

Erik Torenberg, formerly of Product Hunt, dissects the steps they took to get their community to scale itself from initial traction to viral growth in “How We Leveraged Community to Grow Product Hunt from 40,000 to 400,000 Users in 4 Months

Andrus Purde of Pipedrive expands on his observations of things in marketing, product, business model, and team strategies that got Pipedrive from 10,000 to 50,000 customers in “How Pipedrive Reached 50,000 Paying Customers


What’s Happening in Marketing & Growth Today

Drift is hosting their free San Francisco Meetup on Wednesday June 21st at General Catalyst in San Francisco. Join Julio Zhou (Hipmunk, Google), Hiten Shah (Quick Sprout, KISSmetrics), Brian Balfour (Reforge, HubSpot), Tolithia Kornweibel (Gusto, Esurance), and Yuriy Timen (Grammarly) to chat growth.

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Also published on Medium.

© Mattermark 2025. Sources: Mattermark Research, Crunchbase, AngelList.