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Raise the Bar – Science vs Art in Enterprise Software Sales, Key to SaaS Pricing, and More

The Non-Technical Guide to Launching Products & Side Projects

Ben Tossell, Community Lead at ProductHunt boasts having launched 10+ products in the last two years without writing a single line of code. He shares his personal process for bringing an idea to market in under two weeks, with a good list of relevant tools to help you along.

Always Be Closing Sales

Jyoti Bansal, founder of AppDynamics, reflects on his 7 years of building out a sales team and process, suggesting that there is more science than art to enterprise software sales.

Thomas Carney from Planio, dives into the methodical process he used to develop quartile-based pricing, which doubled Planio’s MRR. This analytical approach, with guidance on analysis and experimentation, is useful for any company to review regularly.

Expand Your Marketing Funnel

Tomasz Tunguz of Redpoint shares a story from Jen Grant, CMO of Looker, formerly of Box, about creating tension in your startup’s marketing position, between your company and product messaging. This tension helps align your product to your vision, when the tension is finally released.

Tom Wentworth, CMO at RapidMiner, formerly of Acquia, reminds us in When Marketing Personas Fail, how important it is for the entire company to agree on who you’re actually making your product for. He also suggests that this decision can’t just be made once – we need to stay focused  on the qualitative and quantitative measurements that define what makes a good persona for our company.

Kyle Poyar, Director of Market Strategy at OpenView, tackles the key to SaaS pricing through the eyes of Andy Wilson, who took his profitable services company Logik and transformed it into an even more profitable SaaS business, Logikcull, through deep learning on the art of pricing.

Grow Up and To The Right

Pulkit Agrawal, CEO of Chameleon, explains Why User Onboarding Isn’t Just Your Designer’s Job. Using the BJ Fogg Model, he breaks down user onboarding into three categories – ease of use, value proposition, and prompts. This model makes it obvious how important it is for product designers, marketers, and content creators to work together to drive adoption and kill churn with great onboarding.

Kosten Metreweli, CMO of Segura Systems shares his technique for balancing strategic and tactical needs in your roadmap. He breaks up activities into four categories: strategic, acquisition, growth, and retention and how the mix of those categories change as your company matures.

Today’s Raise the bar is guest curated by Brian Doll. Brian is one half of Reify, a sales and marketing consultancy helping companies sell more software.

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Also published on Medium.

© Mattermark 2025. Sources: Mattermark Research, Crunchbase, AngelList.