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Mattermark Daily – Wednesday, December 2nd, 2015

From the Investors

First Round Capital surveyed 500+ startup founders to see what keeps them up at night and how they see the market.

Read the results in “State of Startups: 2015


Theresa Hajer of Cambridge Associates reveals that the top 100 venture investments are no longer concentrated in the top 10 firms and why in “Venture Capital Disrupts Itself: Breaking the Concentration Curse” (PDF)

Sam Altman and Aaron Harris of Y Combinator discuss the challenges Sam faced at Loopt, the art of negotiating deals, and more in “Founders and the Fear of Rejection

Michael Copeland of Andreessen Horowitz and Michelle You of Songkick discuss the entrepreneurial ecosystem in London and more broadly the U.K. and Europe in “Building Tech Startups in a Place Where Tech Isn’t Everything” (audio)

Scott Raney of Redpoint Ventures highlights a trend he’s seeing with companies building tools to help developers build a business vs. writing code faster in “Services as Code: Selling Through vs. Selling to Developers

Jay Acunzo of NextView Ventures outlines his least favorite tactics for launching products or marketing campaigns in “The Agony of Startup Product Launches

From the Operators

Jason Culbertson of Airbnb helps designers better understand (with data!) the Unicorn-verse of companies that appreciate design in “The Top 20 Design Unicorns

Jeff Needles of Meerkat explains the value of Management Information Systems for data-focused organizations in “What is MIS Anyway?

David Ams of HB Studios uses 10 memes to ‘clean founders’ minds from distraction’ and the paranoia of not sharing their ideas in “Why Nobody Will Steal Your Sh*#%y Startup Idea

Matt Moore of Achille realizes that many PM candidates have stellar qualifications, so he shares the untrainable qualities you should look for in “10 Necessary Traits of PMS that Can’t Be Taught

David Austin of PCH thinks every hardware startup should consider – but not necessarily go through with – a crowdfunding campaign in “When Should You Crowdfund?

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A VC’s Usage (or Not) of 22 On-Demand Startups (read more)

This is a guest post by David Goldberg, Principal at  Corigin Ventures.

It’s been a few years now since the uprising of on-demand startups in seemingly every vertical. Time to revisit, and see which have proven to be mainstays and which have faded. Read his review on our blog.

on-demand startup logos

© Mattermark 2025. Sources: Mattermark Research, Crunchbase, AngelList.