How, When, and Why To Use Mobile Communication Channels To Enhance Your Sales
Salespeople have more options than ever when it comes to doing outreach to prospective clients. Between texting, email, social media and good old fashioned cold calls, there are lots of different ways to communicate with clients. Here’s a breakdown on mastering each of these outreach platforms.
From the Investors
Steve Schlafman of RRE Ventures publishes a guide for how to create the most effective pitch deck when raising money from VCs in “Startup Pitch Decks” (42 slides)
Nathan Benaich of, formerly of Playfair Capital visualizes his insights into the why, what, and how of starting an AI company with his slides from a talk at Oxford in “So, You Want to Found an AI Startup?”
Jai Das of Sapphire Ventures reveals some lessons for entrepreneurs aspiring to go public he’s learned from investing in and taking multiple companies public in “The Anatomy Of A Successful IPO”
Christoph Braun of Acton Capital Partners outlines why recommerce giants will redefine the multi-billion dollar used goods market in “Recommerce: The New Old”
Michael Dearing of Harrison Metal expands on the cognitive distortions or “special founder goggles” he sees as superpowers in successful founders in “The Cognitive Distortions of Founders”
From the Operators
Othmane Rahmouni offers a 9,000 word essay on the opportunities Classpass can capture and the risks they’d need to mitigate to achieve Unicorn-level growth in “An In-Depth Startup Analysis: Is Classpass the Next Unicorn or the Next Bust?”
Shaan Puri of Monkey Inferno reflects on what they got right and what they got wrong in building Bebo, which lost out in the “cartoon avatar” business to Bitmoji in “$100M Mistake”
David Appel of Intacct lends his insights from talking to dozens of SaaS companies, investors, and influencers in “How Great SaaS Companies Scale (SaaS Metrics: Part 2)”
Adam Marchick of VoiceLabs discusses the disruptive force he sees on the horizon that is voice technology in “The Coming Ubiquity of Voice Tech [Traction Podcast #38]”
Mathilde Augustin of Amity knows that TED Talks might not appear to be directly related with the stuff you do on a day-to-day basis, but that will inspire you and help you get even better at Customer Success in “6 TED Talks That Are Surprisingly Relevant to Customer Success”
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