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Mattermark Daily – Saturday, July 12th

From the Investors

Niko Bonatsos of General Catalyst Partners speaks with Connie Lolzos of StrictlyVC about Snapchat’s success and the power of controversy in “The Beauty of Annoying Apps

Bill Gurley of Benchmark Capital responds to NYU Professor Aswath Damodaran’s piece on the overvaluation of Uber in “How to Miss By a Mile: An Alternative Look at Uber’s Potential Market Size” — “The funny thing about ‘hard numbers’ is that they can give a false sense of security.”

Hunter Walk of Homebrew Ventures meets with Marc Barros of Moment to discuss how his blog became an outlet for personal and entrepreneurial reflection in “Writing Started as Therapy: How Blogging Helped Founder Marc Barros Deal with Being Fired from his Startup

Ben Horowitz of Andreessen Horowitz explains how more than the name has changed at Rap Genius in “From Rap Genius to Genius

Brad Feld of Foundry Group feels the weight of an overwhelming number of digital artifacts in “Digital Paralysis

From the Operators

Jackson Alberts of EquityZen publishes “The Startup Employee Bill of Rights” — the right to know, to value, to keep vested shares, to access tax benefits, and to ask.

Soleio Cuervo of Dropbox explores the future of predictive tech, user behavior, and ambient device interaction in “Dropbox’s Head of Design on the Dawn of Personalized Products” (via First Round Review)

Gary Vaynerchuk of VaynerMedia compares his photography skills to those of Fran Lebowitz in order to illustrate “The ROI of Social Media

Steve Loughlin of RelateIQ announces RelateIQ’s acquisition by Salesforce in “RelateIQ + Salesforce.com: Exciting News!

© Mattermark 2024. Sources: Mattermark Research, Crunchbase, AngelList.