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Mattermark Daily – Monday, May 16th, 2016

From the Investors

Jeff Bussgang of Flybridge Capital Partners argues that although we need to build companies that generate real value and real profit, we must not forget that VC-backed companies must grow very, very fast over a consistent period of time in “Growth vs. Profitability and Venture Returns

Mark Suster of Upfront Ventures discusses the reality of uBeam and reassures investors that the company is indeed making strong progress on releasing a product in “What is it Like to Wake Up and Have the Press Ready to Torpedo Your Business?

Clement Vouillon of Point Nine Capital compares metrics from 37 SaaS companies and shares his observations and conclusions in “Funded vs. Bootstrapped

The Team at Dreamit publishes a guide to startup pricing containing the best advice, strategies, and tactics from their recent pricing panel in “A Founder’s Guide to Product Pricing

Elizabeth Kraus of MergeLane writes a post for both the entrepreneur and angel investor to provide tips and tricks on creating a streamlined process for closing an investment in “The Close: How to Actually Accept an Angel Investment

John Greathouse of Rincon Venture Partners outlines seven activities you can do to hone your entrepreneurial skillset before you start a business in “Practice Entrepreneurship With A Purpose – Before You Start A Company

From the Operators

Preethi Kasireddy of Coinbase shares her journey of successfully transitioning from a job at Andreessen Horowitz to a career as a software engineer in “What Happened After I Left the Best Job in the World to Become an Engineer?

Andrew Chen of Uber looks at push notification data to uncover interesting trends in “What 671 Million Push Notifications Say About How People Spend Their Day


Chris Guest of Xolvio explains why product management and UX should certainly overlap, but not at the expense of a product manager doing their own job first in “The Most Important Job of the Product Owner

Jack Leonard of Barricade tells the story of a startup through metrics in “SaaS Startup Metrics, Visually Explained

Katie Sullivan and Craig Gainsboro of VENTUREAPP chat about what raising venture debt means for startups, when they need to consider it, how to negotiate the best terms, and more in “Venture Debt 101 for Startups

Matt Haughey of Slack talks about why pursuing outside interests and hobbies allows you to bring a more diverse set of ideas and experiences to work in “Elevate Yourself With Side Projects

Venture Capital Is Boring (read more)

Is venture capital interesting? As a topic, sure, but as an asset class it may not be.

Mattermark Contributor Jason Rowley reports.


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