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Mattermark Daily – Monday, August 15th, 2016

From the Investors

Dave Sheen of Primary Venture Partners examines the recent tear of acquisitions and sheds light on why it’s a positive indicator for the SaaS ecosystem in “The Curious Case of the Disappearing SaaS Company, and Why That Might Actually Be Good News

Jacco van der Kooij of Storm Ventures describes selling with the goal to help solve a client’s problem, and actually delivering against that experience in “Authentic GTM — Time to Deliver on Your Promise

Mark Cranney, Martin Casado, and Scott Kupor of Andreessen Horowitz discuss how should startups go about raising prices and the value of their product in “Pricing, Pricing, Pricing” (podcast)

Patrick Meenan of Arthur Ventures outlines his observations of high-growth environments in “6 Key Similarities in our Top Performing Companies

Brad Feld of Foundry Group reminds us that incremental change can have a large impact over time in “The 2% Change

Maia Heymann and Ash Egan of Converge VP co-authored a review of enterprises’ perception of and ambivalence with (for now) blockchain adoption in “Is Blockchain Adoption Gaining Momentum in the Enterprise?


From the Operators

Des Traynor of Intercom offers guiding principles for founders to avoid specific traps he often sees them fall into and struggle with in “Not All Good Products Make Good Businesses


Chris Savage of Wistia identifies when to innovate and when to reinvent the wheel as a startup in “How Startups Move from Pioneering to City Planning

Sujan Patel of Web Profits educates sales professionals on the low-hanging fruit tactics of using content to transform leads into customers in “The Step-by-Step Guide on How Sales Can Leverage Content

Justin Jackson of MegaMaker wonders if SaaS is the kind of business to start in 2016, what risks there are, and what other models exist in “SaaS is Ripe for Disruption

Hiten Shah of Quick Sprout reflects on what he’s learned about entrepreneurship from his kids in “Crawl, Walk, Run: Business Lessons from a Toddler

Kyle Porter of SalesLoft shares the origin story of SalesLoft, his early failures, and practical tidbits on how he manages the team in “Startup Culture Podcast, Ep. 1


Sales and Marketing Trends from the Top 50 B2B Companies

Using Mattermark data, we were able to identify the fifty high-growth companies in the U.S. and evaluate their marketing activities to understand which practices really moved the needle. In order to make the qualitative portion of our research more tangible, we evaluated each company on the list in light of how they approached content, customer communication, path to purchase, and pricing.

What we discovered was surprising, to say the least. Here’s more information on the results of our free, ungated report.


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